A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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The world has changed. Human beings are forced to live inside mechanical titans in symbiosis to survive. But their balance is still disturbed. The healer has to venture out, find the titans who suffer from humanity and heal them. "Inner Life" is a puzzle adventure game with alot of dialogue, taking place in a dystopian setting. There are many different characters and you will have to understand their stories and the healers story in order to aid the titan they are living in.

This game was made in about two weeks by 19 people who just started studying Game Design.


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Inner Life (windows) 57 MB
Inner Life (macOS) 57 MB


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Great concept everyone, cannot wait to see what you all cook up next time. btw, you can just slip my payments to my P.O box for the idea to expand on this game 😏

Seriously though, keep making great stuff πŸ‘

Great premise, really good art and I always appreciate a sassy, straight to the point mc! I did run into a bug that softlocked me unfortunately, so I had to start over, but other than that it's a great game!


Great game, love the world setting outside the titan, two issues:

  • When I was in the knee, I placed the filled bottle down and it vanished, had to restart.
  • Also knee, the transition to the long piston and gear corridor with the saw and crowbar at the end from the east knee room with the fishes, I walked through the door and missed the loading zone, had to walk around a bit to find it.

Would you guys be alright if I create some pen and paper roleplaying setting based on this? I would give credit and won't use any art unless given permission. And this isn't a "I will make it for sure if given permission thing" more a "I like the setting and if I have the muse I might make it thing"

same happened to me with an item in the lungs




This game looks amazing! I would love to see more from you guys in the future :D


Everything in this game acts like a sassy teenager. And after they pulled the lesbian card i've just dropped it. This game was made by a 13 year old


Bro, what the fuck are you going on about lmao


If you don't like it then leave


Everything about you is like your insecure. And after you pulled the homophobic card I dropped it. Please refrain from acting like a dumb 13 year old. <33


The game and music were absolutely amazing


I'll just taste it

this is a realy good and sad game


This game was so beautiful and sad at the same time..I was crying a lot :(


Hii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you ^^

-The concept of the game is really original and interesting to get into.

-The gameplay mechanics work very well and feel right for a game like this one, but some things could be polished (the player stills moving in a locked direction while the white transition happends and you can see it clearly, for exemple).

-Visually the game is really eye catching and feels quite enjoyable while playing.

-The characters are interesting and the dialogues are well thought ^^

Hopefully this is useful  to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)



Thank you for your feedback!

I'll surely subscribe πŸ˜„

Awesome, thanks ^^


Replayed after the update to get the whole experience. It's really cool seeing the different people in the titan & help them. I hope there are more titans out there so Toni won't be alone. 


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed our game ☺️


Thanks for the game... Here's some of my thoughts:

  1. It's a pretty long game (with big empty space and plenty of fetch quest and with only single item slot)... so no save option hurts a lot.
  2. Not to mention with one (or perhaps some?) game breaking bugs... I put an item on the ground and sometime later, it's gone, making me unable to progress the game (forcing me to replay the game from the very beginning... there's no way I'm going to do that).
  3. So in the end, I'm stuck at section where we must collect three sacred commandment... I collect all three but they won't take the third one.. And the item that was missing (when I put it on the ground) is the half full bottle of toritium or something).

Thanks for playing and your feedback!

We created that project in about two weeks, so crunch time started almost immediatly πŸ˜‚ The save system is definitely missing, but with the time constraints we had to sadly do some cuts. Hope you still had a good time playing!

Same here. Can't give the third Commandment, and the bottle disappeared after I dropped it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Adorable, heart warming game! Sadly there were a few bugs, and im assuming the final screen I got was a bug- half the screen was the paper drawing and the other half was Toni on the ground. it played music but the screen wouldnt move and I couldnt access the resume, and main menu screen. Maybe soon I'll replay it to see the real ending, it didnt save my progress sadly (though im not sure its possible). All bugs aside, I absolutely loved this game, it was so cute and made me happy to play :)


Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it alot! The end indeed had a bug, but it should be fixed now. It should be possible now to find out what the healer and Toni are up to in the end :)

Good game. Pretty sure the last part was a bug. Couldn't finish the game for now.


We have fixed it, the updated version should work now. Thanks for your feedback! 

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(1 edit)

Damn. Already a playthrough video? Thanks for playing! :D

The ending you got is actually a bug ^^' (the screen where you're stuck at the end of your video is not the end). No idea how you managed to do that xD

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